
Plot tools using plotly.

Import plot (by plotly) to plot figures.

>>> from whatstk.graph import plot


Build plotly-compatible figures.


FigureBuilder([df, chat]) Generate a variety of figures from your loaded chat.
class whatstk.graph.base.FigureBuilder(df=None, chat=None)[source]

Bases: object

Generate a variety of figures from your loaded chat.

Integrates feature extraction and visualization logic to automate data plots.

Note: Either df or chat must be provided.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame, optional) – Chat data. Atribute df of a chat loaded using Chat. If a value is given, chat is ignored.
  • chat (Chat, optional) – Chat data. Object obtained when chat loaded using Chat. Required if df is None.


user_color_mapping Get mapping between user and color.
usernames Get list with users available in given chat.


user_interventions_count_linechart([…]) Plot number of user interventions over time.
user_message_responses_flow([title]) Get the flow of message responses.
user_message_responses_heatmap([norm, title]) Get the response matrix heatmap.
user_msg_length_boxplot([title, xlabel]) Generate figure with boxplots of each user’s message length.
property user_color_mapping

Get mapping between user and color.

Each user is assigned a color automatically, so that this color is preserved for that user in all to-be-generated plots.

Returns:dict – Mapping from username to color (rgb).
user_interventions_count_linechart(date_mode='date', msg_length=False, cumulative=False, all_users=False, title='User interventions count', xlabel='Date/Time', cummulative=None)[source]

Plot number of user interventions over time.

  • date_mode (str, optional) –

    Choose mode to group interventions by. Defaults to 'date'. Available modes are:

    • 'date': Grouped by particular date (year, month and day).
    • 'hour': Grouped by hours.
    • 'month': Grouped by months.
    • 'weekday': Grouped by weekday (i.e. monday, tuesday, …, sunday).
    • 'hourweekday': Grouped by weekday and hour.
  • msg_length (bool, optional) – Set to True to count the number of characters instead of number of messages sent.
  • cumulative (bool, optional) – Set to True to obtain commulative counts.
  • all_users (bool, optional) – Obtain number of interventions of all users combined. Defaults to False.
  • title (str, optional) – Title for plot. Defaults to “User interventions count”.
  • xlabel (str, optional) – x-axis label title. Defaults to “Date/Time”.
  • cummulative (bool, optional) – Deprecated, use cumulative.

plotly.graph_objs.Figure – Plotly Figure.


>>> from whatstk import WhatsAppChat
>>> from whatstk.graph import plot, FigureBuilder
>>> from whatstk.data import whatsapp_urls
>>> chat = WhatsAppChat.from_source(filepath=whatsapp_urls.LOREM)
>>> fig = FigureBuilder(chat=chat).user_interventions_count_linechart(cumulative=True)
>>> plot(fig)
user_message_responses_flow(title='Message flow')[source]

Get the flow of message responses.

A response from user X to user Y happens if user X sends a message right after a message from user Y.

Uses a Sankey diagram.

Parameters:title (str, optional) – Title for plot. Defaults to “Message flow”.
Returns:plotly.graph_objs.Figure – Plotly Figure.


>>> from whatstk import WhatsAppChat
>>> from whatstk.graph import plot, FigureBuilder
>>> from whatstk.data import whatsapp_urls
>>> chat = WhatsAppChat.from_source(filepath=whatsapp_urls.LOREM)
>>> fig = FigureBuilder(chat=chat).user_message_responses_flow()
>>> plot(fig)
user_message_responses_heatmap(norm='absolute', title='Response matrix')[source]

Get the response matrix heatmap.

A response from user X to user Y happens if user X sends a message right after a message from user Y.

  • norm (str, optional) –

    Specifies the type of normalization used for reponse count. Can be:

    • 'absolute': Absolute count of messages.
    • 'joint': Normalized by total number of messages sent by all users.
    • 'sender': Normalized per sender by total number of messages sent by user.
    • 'receiver': Normalized per receiver by total number of messages sent by user.
  • title (str, optional) – Title for plot. Defaults to “Response matrix”.

plotly.graph_objs.Figure – Plotly Figure.


>>> from whatstk import WhatsAppChat
>>> from whatstk.graph import plot, FigureBuilder
>>> from whatstk.data import whatsapp_urls
>>> chat = WhatsAppChat.from_source(filepath=whatsapp_urls.LOREM)
>>> fig = FigureBuilder(chat=chat).user_message_responses_heatmap()
>>> plot(fig)
user_msg_length_boxplot(title='User message length', xlabel='User')[source]

Generate figure with boxplots of each user’s message length.

  • title (str, optional) – Title for plot. Defaults to “User message length”.
  • xlabel (str, optional) – x-axis label title. Defaults to “User”.

dict – Dictionary with data and layout. Plotly compatible.


>>> from whatstk import WhatsAppChat
>>> from whatstk.graph import plot, FigureBuilder
>>> from whatstk.data import whatsapp_urls
>>> chat = WhatsAppChat.from_source(filepath=whatsapp_urls.LOREM)
>>> fig = FigureBuilder(chat=chat).user_msg_length_boxplot()
>>> plot(fig)
property usernames

Get list with users available in given chat.

Returns:list – List with usernames available in chat DataFrame.


Build Plotly compatible Figures.


Boxplot figures.


fig_boxplot_msglen(df[, username_to_color, …]) Visualize boxplot.
whatstk.graph.figures.boxplot.fig_boxplot_msglen(df, username_to_color=None, title='', xlabel=None)[source]

Visualize boxplot.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Chat data.
  • username_to_color (dict, optional) –
  • title (str, optional) – Title for plot. Defaults to “”.
  • xlabel (str, optional) – x-axis label title. Defaults to None.



Heatmap plot figures.


fig_heatmap(df_matrix[, title]) Generate heatmap figure from NxN matrix.
whatstk.graph.figures.heatmap.fig_heatmap(df_matrix, title='')[source]

Generate heatmap figure from NxN matrix.

  • df_matrix (pandas.DataFrame) – Matrix as DataFrame. Index values and column values must be equal.
  • title (str) – Title of plot. Defaults to “”.



Sankey plot figures.


fig_sankey(label, color, source, target, value) Generate sankey image.
whatstk.graph.figures.sankey.fig_sankey(label, color, source, target, value, title='')[source]

Generate sankey image.

  • label (list) – List with node labels.
  • color (list) – List with node colors.
  • source (list) – List with link source id.
  • target (list) – List with linke target id.
  • value (list) – List with link value.
  • title (str, optional) – Title. Defaults to “”.



Scatter plot figures.


fig_scatter_time(user_data[, …]) Obtain Figure to plot using plotly.
whatstk.graph.figures.scatter.fig_scatter_time(user_data, username_to_color=None, title='', xlabel=None)[source]

Obtain Figure to plot using plotly.

user_data must be a pandas.DataFrame with timestamps as index and a column for each user. You can easily generate suitable user_data using the function get_interventions_count (disclaimer: not compatible with date_mode='hourweekday').

  • user_data (pandas.DataFrame) – Input data. Shape nrows x ncols, where nrows = number of timestaps and ncols = number of users.
  • username_to_color (dict, optional) –
  • title (str, optional) – Title of figure. Defaults to “”.
  • xlabel (str, optional) – x-axis label title. Defaults to None.



Utils for library plots.


hex_color_palette(n_colors) Get palette of n_colors color hexadecimal codes.

Get palette of n_colors color hexadecimal codes.

Parameters:n_colors (int) – Size of the color palette.