Source code for whatstk.whatsapp.objects

"""Library WhatsApp objects."""

import pandas as pd
from typing import Dict, Optional, Any

from whatstk._chat import BaseChat
from whatstk.utils.chat_merge import merge_chats
from whatstk.whatsapp.parser import df_from_txt_whatsapp

[docs]class WhatsAppChat(BaseChat): """Load and process a WhatsApp chat file. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Chat. Example: This simple example loads a chat using :func:`WhatsAppChat <WhatsAppChat>`. Once loaded, we can access its attribute :func:`df <WhatsAppChat.df>`, which contains the loaded chat as a DataFrame. .. code-block:: python >>> from whatstk.whatsapp.objects import WhatsAppChat >>> from import whatsapp_urls >>> chat = WhatsAppChat.from_source(filepath=whatsapp_urls.POKEMON) >>> chat.df.head(5) date username message 0 2016-08-06 13:23:00 Ash Ketchum Hey guys! 1 2016-08-06 13:25:00 Brock Hey Ash, good to have a common group! 2 2016-08-06 13:30:00 Misty Hey guys! Long time haven't heard anything fro... 3 2016-08-06 13:45:00 Ash Ketchum Indeed. I think having a whatsapp group nowada... 4 2016-08-06 14:30:00 Misty Definetly """ def __init__(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """Constructor. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Chat. """ super().__init__(df, platform="whatsapp")
[docs] @classmethod def from_source(cls, filepath: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> "WhatsAppChat": """Create an instance from a chat text file. Args: filepath (str): Path to the file. Accepted sources are: * Local file, e.g. 'path/to/file.txt'. * URL to a remote hosted file, e.g. ''. * Link to Google Drive file, e.g. 'gdrive://35gKKrNk-i3t05zPLyH4_P1rPdOmKW9NZ'. The format is expected to be 'gdrive://[FILE-ID]'. Note that in order to load a file from Google Drive you first need to run :func:`gdrive_init <whatstk.utils.gdrive.gdrive_init>`. **kwargs: Refer to the docs from :func:`df_from_txt_whatsapp <whatstk.whatsapp.parser.df_from_txt_whatsapp>` for details on additional arguments. Returns: WhatsAppChat: Class instance with loaded and parsed chat. .. seealso:: * :func:`df_from_txt_whatsapp <whatstk.whatsapp.parser.df_from_txt_whatsapp>` * :func:`WhatsAppChat.from_sources <whatstk.WhatsAppChat.from_sources>` """ # Prepare DataFrame df = df_from_txt_whatsapp(filepath=filepath, **kwargs) return cls(df)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sources( cls, filepaths: str, auto_header: Optional[bool] = None, hformat: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = "utf-8" ) -> "WhatsAppChat": """Load a WhatsAppChat instance from multiple sources. Args: filepaths (list): List with filepaths. auto_header (bool, optional): Detect header automatically (applies to all files). If None, attempts to perform automatic header detection for all files. If False, ``hformat`` is required. hformat (list, optional): List with the :ref:`header format <The header format>` to be used for each file. The list must be of length equal to ``len(filenames)``. A valid header format might be '[%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] - %name:'. encoding (str): Encoding to use for UTF when reading/writing (ex. ‘utf-8’). `List of Python standard encodings <>`_. Returns: WhatsAppChat: Class instance with loaded and parsed chat. .. seealso:: * :func:`WhatsAppChat.from_source <WhatsAppChat.from_source>` * :func:`merge_chats <whatstk.utils.chat_merge.merge_chats>` Example: Load a chat using two text files. In this example, we use sample chats (available online, see urls in source code :mod:` <>`). .. code-block:: python >>> from whatstk.whatsapp.objects import WhatsAppChat >>> from import whatsapp_urls >>> filepath_1 = whatsapp_urls.LOREM1 >>> filepath_2 = whatsapp_urls.LOREM2 >>> chat = WhatsAppChat.from_sources(filepaths=[filepath_1, filepath_2]) >>> chat.df.head(5) date username message 0 2019-10-20 10:16:00 John Laborum sed excepteur id eu cillum sunt ut. 1 2019-10-20 11:15:00 Mary Ad aliquip reprehenderit proident est irure mo... 2 2019-10-20 12:16:00 +1 123 456 789 Nostrud adipiscing ex enim reprehenderit minim... 3 2019-10-20 12:57:00 +1 123 456 789 Deserunt proident laborum exercitation ex temp... 4 2019-10-20 17:28:00 John Do ex dolor consequat tempor et ex. """ dfs = [] if auto_header is None or auto_header: auto_header = [True] * len(filepaths) else: auto_header = [False] * len(filepaths) if hformat is None: hformat = [None] * len(filepaths) for filepath, ah, hf in zip(filepaths, auto_header, hformat): chat = WhatsAppChat.from_source(filepath, auto_header=ah, hformat=hf, encoding=encoding) dfs.append(chat.df) df = merge_chats(dfs) return cls(df)
[docs] def to_txt(self, filepath: str, hformat: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = "utf8") -> None: """Export chat to a text file. Usefull to export the chat to different formats (i.e. using different hformats). Args: filepath (str): Name of the file to export (must be a local path). hformat (str, optional): Header format. Defaults to '%y-%m-%d, %H:%M - %name:'. encoding (str, optional): Encoding to use for UTF when reading/writing (ex. ‘utf-8’). `List of Python standard encodings <>`_. """ if not filepath.endswith(".txt"): raise ValueError("filepath must end with .txt") if not hformat: hformat = "%y-%m-%d, %H:%M - %name:" lines = [] raw_lines = self.df.values.tolist() for line in raw_lines: date, user, text = line hformat = hformat.replace("%name", "{name}") header = date.strftime(hformat).format(name=user) formatted_line = "{} {}".format(header, text) lines.append(formatted_line) text = "\n".join(lines) with open(r"{}".format(filepath), "w", encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(text)